Friday, October 1, 2010

How To Solve Your Computer Hardware Problems

The objective of this article is to outline how to effectively troubleshoot hardware problems that you might have. Many of these problems can be fixed by simply updating a driver, changing a setting or reinstalling a program. When diagnosing a problem, make sure that every cable on your system is in firmly and is fully operational, also make sure that all expansion cards, such as your graphics or sound card, is securely pushed into its slot and if need be, reseat them.
Try running a full spyware and/or virus scan, viruses and spyware are known to cause serious problems to your personal system, so although it may appear as though it's a hardware problem, it could be a virus. A good spyware program you can try is Spybot.
Outdated software or drivers could potentially be causing you problems. Make sure you have the latest software and drivers by going to the manufacturer's website and checking on there.
If you are able to determine the component on your system that is causing the problem, then you can try changing it. In certain circumstances where for example a system is unable to burn a song or movie to disk, a simple change of CD/DVD drive could do the trick.
Another method you can deploy is to try testing your systems components. There are a number of softwares available online free of charge that can carry out this task for you. You can use test programs such as memtest, speedfan etc. to determine the stability of your systems components

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